Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Day Has FInally Come!

So its been a while since I posted and that's mostly because I haven't had any Padme updates. She was living with her foster family and do just fine. But in the past few months I've gone through a lot of changes. My boyfriend at the time that I got Padme and I have broken up and I've started dating someone else. With this someone else I've basically moved in with him. So after two months, and about two constant hours of begging, I finally convinced him to let me bring Padme to his house. And I've got to say it was one of the happiest moments of my life so far. So expect more Padme updates adnd more adorable pictures, after all she still a kitten at 7 months! :) And above you'll see a picture of that wonderful guy with my baby

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Padme came home on Tuesday, and Wednesday I was told I'm not allowed to keep her. So, I am currently trying to find a foster home for her, I might have found one but who knows. I want a foster home because I want to be able to have her back once I move out because as you know, she is my baby. And boy is she a crazy baby. She likes to chew on me, when I'm trying to sleep, at night. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night, I think the toy ball I gave her might have had some catnip on it? She was freaking crazy last night. I went to bed at 12:00 and woke up at 3:00, 5:00, 6:30, and then finally 6:40. So I'm tired and I went to class already and still have to go work this afternoon. I hope this foster home works out because I love my baby!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

4+ weeks!

Sorry I've been so behind, I started school back up tomorrow and Padme will be one month and one week old which means there's only two weeks until I can bring her home! I visited her last Tuesday and saw her Cookie momma's mini! She LOVES to climb, she climbed almost all the way up my side and up my chest and onto my back! (see picture!) She is very playful, which might drive our current cat and dogs crazy! She loves to play with her brothers and sisters, and kick their butts!! She is pretty much the perfect kitty for me!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

2 weeks!

Padme is now two weeks old! She can "crawl" and she apparently loves to cuddle in my boobs! 5 weeks to go!

Thursday, August 5, 2010


News update! Padme now has her eyes all the way open and she can walk! My baby is growing up SO fast!!!!